قياس مدى فاعلية تطبيق استراتيجيات الارشاد التربوي و أثرها على تعديل سلوكيات الطلبة في المدارس الحكومية و الخاصة من وجهة نظر المدراء والمعلمون في محافظة معان

عنوان المقالة [English]

"Assessing the effectiveness of implementing educational guidance strategies and their impact on modifying student behaviors in public and private schools from the perspective of managers and teachers in the Ma'an Governorate."

المؤلفون [English]

  • Ekhlass Abdallah Ali Krishan
  • Amal Adnan abu helalh
  • Dr. Ahed Hani Ibrahim Almsaiden
  • Dr. Eman Nayef Al Njadat
المستخلص [English]

The aim of this study was to determine and evaluate the efficacy of educational counseling strategies. It also sought to assess their impact on student behavior in both public and private schools. The perspectives considered were those of principals and teachers in the Ma'an Governorate. This subject is critical as it profoundly impacts all participants in the educational process, making it a vital issue within any educational context.
The study explored the link between the use of educational counseling tactics in altering students' actions in the classroom, and the extent to which counselors are proficient in educational counseling and its strategic applications. The descriptive methodology was used in this study. The sample comprised 249 principals and teachers, both male and female, from various public and private schools in the Ma'an Governorate.
The primary tool for the study was an electronic questionnaire composed of 20 items. It was found that there is a relative scarcity of educational counseling tactics used in public and private schools. This finding underscored the need for an increase in these strategies. The research emphasized the importance of implementing educational counseling techniques due to their positive effects on altering student behavior.
Upon concluding the study, several recommendations were put forth. The first was strengthening professional development. This recommendation underscores the importance of providing continuous professional development programs for educators and counselors. Such programs would focus on the application of effective educational counseling techniques, ensuring that educators stay updated with the latest practices and methodologies in the field of educational counseling.
The second recommendation was enhancing parental involvement. It is crucial to understand that active parental involvement can contribute significantly to the success of educational counseling. Parents should be made aware of the benefits of counseling strategies and their role in facilitating these techniques at home.
In addition to these recommendations, the study highlighted the importance of improving relationships among those involved in the educational process. The need for workshops for officials and the essential role of educating students and counselors about counseling were also addressed. The study emphasized the significance of counseling, its effective implementation methods, and the need for a collaborative approach among school principals, teachers, and the educational counselor. Such an approach would greatly contribute to improving student behavior.

الكلمات الرئيسية [English]

  • Training
  • educational counselor
  • educational plans
  • educational methods
  • school administration