الفروق في التحصيل الأكاديمي لدى عينة من طلبة السنة الرابعة بكلية الشارقة للعلوم التربوية ــــ جامعة الملك فيصل بتشاد في ضوء بعض المتغيرات الديموغرافية


1 محاضر بالمعهد العالي لإعداد المعلمين بأنجمينا- تشاد

2 عميد كلية الشارقة للعلوم التربوية بجامعة الملك فيصل بتشاد

3 محاضر كلية الشارقة للعلوم التربوية بجامعة الملك فيصل بتشاد

عنوان المقالة [English]

Differences in academic achievement among a sample of fourth-year students at the Sharjah College of Educational Sciences - King Faisal University in Chad in light of some demographic variables

المؤلفون [English]

  • mohamed elkaber 1
  • mohamed amer 2
  • mosa osman 3
المستخلص [English]

The research aimed to reveal the general characteristic of academic achievement motivation among a sample of fourth-year students at the Sharjah College of Educational Sciences - King Faisal University in Chad. And knowing the differences in the level of academic achievement among the study sample due to a number of variables, namely the gender variable (male/female), age, marital status, academic specialization, family economic income, and parents’ educational level. The researchers followed the descriptive approach to describe achievement motivation and academic achievement in light of some demographic variables for the research community, which consisted of (607) male and female students. The researchers designed a tool that included (53) items. The researchers also looked at the general average of academic achievement of the research sample. A sample of (216) male and female students, equivalent to (35.5%), was selected using a stratified random method. The study reached several results, including: that achievement motivation among the study sample of fourth-year students at the Sharjah College of Educational Sciences - King Faisal University in Chad is characterized by low, while it proved that there is an increase in the level of academic achievement, and the existence of a positive correlation between achievement motivation and academic achievement among the sample. From fourth year students at the Sharjah College of Educational Sciences - King Faisal University in Chad. It also proved the existence of differences in the level of academic achievement among the study sample due to the gender variable (male/female) in favor of females, while it did not prove differences in the level of academic achievement among the study sample due to variables of age and marital status. It also proved the existence of differences in academic achievement among a sample of students. The fourth year at the Sharjah College of Educational Sciences - King Faisal University in Chad according to the age variable in favor of age (more than 30 years), and the presence of differences in academic achievement among a sample of fourth-year students at the Sharjah College of Educational Sciences - King Faisal University in Chad according to the academic specialization variable in favor of specialization. Academic (education and psychology).

الكلمات الرئيسية [English]

  • Keywords: achievement motivation
  • academic achievement
  • demographic variables
  • Sharjah College of Educational Sciences