نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية
1 أستاذ مساعد بقسم العلوم النفسية بکلية التربية للطفولة المبکرة
2 باحثة دکتوراة بکلية التربية للطفولة المبکرة
عنوان المقالة [English]
المؤلفون [English]
Many specialists in the field of psychology attracted the interest of the concept of emotional stability in addition to the interest in other human sciences such as philosophy and literature. The readers ofpsychological theories find out that such theories take this concept as an aim which has an effect on the continuity of life in a way that guarantees its development for the better. There is still sustained interest to uncover the reality of this concept its characteristics, the factors which affect it, and the resulting effects on the individual's character.
The researcher has noticed a lot of people, despite their exposure to great challenges, they take care of their physical health and their psychological performance and sometimes you find them like mountains, are not moved by storms, or played with by wind and the reason for this stability is the (Psychological Resilience) and he hasstudied this factor widely in the business of, "Susan Kabassa" that drafted the theory about psychological resilience through reliance on a series of studies conducted by the year (1979) (1985) (1982) and aimed through which to reveal the psychological and social variables that would help individuals keep the psychological and physical health, despite being interesting to the pressure of events, psychological resilience effective role have proven to recognize and interpret stressful events in a positive way, and they are involved to a large extent to the evolution of the individual and the emotional maturity and increase its expertise in confronting pressing problems.
Although multiple studies that have emotional stability and the factors affecting it, but it's - within the limits of science of the researcher - did not address directly the possible relationship between psychological resilience and emotional stability and their relationship by methods of confronting the challenges of expatriate students, and this is what the researcher is trying to present in the current study and disclose of the effectiveness of psychological resilience and emotional stability and their relationship in ways of confrontation of expatriate students.